We are teaching the 99% of the world who can’t code how to change their life building apps, websites, and automations.

Our mission is to make building online accessible to anyone who’s curious and willing to learn. No-code democratizes the digital economy. Instead of having to $10k+ to hire a developer or learn to code, No Code MBA makes education for building apps, websites, and automations accessible to anyone.


This is an opportunity/offer for no-code related businesses to promote their tools and/or services to the No Code MBA audience.

Get in front of our audience made up of ambitious startup and technology founders and employees interested in the no-code industry.

✅ Get in front of users when they’re searching for solutions

✅ Post tutorials that get distributed through the No Code MBA network

✅ Accelerate your go-to-market to launch your tool or new features


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Email Subscribers

We offer three types of sponsorships:

Email Sponsorships

19.5k Subscribers, ~34% open rate

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Featured Sponsor Spot: $650

100 words highlighted at the top of the newsletter + we’ll share a Tweet to our Twitter followers (40,000 followers)


No-Code Picks: $125 per issue

Highlight your link in 1 sentence at the bottom of the newsletter + we’ll share a Tweet to our Twitter followers (40,000 followers)
